4 Tips to Look Great in Lingerie

Want to look great in lingerie? You already know that size and fit are essential. But you also have to look out for flattering colors and shapes. Choose lingerie styles that bring best in your figure and accentuate the features you love. Still there are also other secrets to looking great in lingerie. Here are some tips that will help you with that. Do you want to look as hot as victoria’s secret models in sexy lingerieYou won’t wanna miss these useful tips from Eve’s Night.

sexy lingerie from Eve's Night

Match your skin tone
The colors fit your skin tone can help you look better, but the wrong colors would be a disaster. Lavender and baby blue are recommended for light-colored skin ladies, such as Retro Elegant Lace Satin Halter Babydoll By Eve's Night , while silver, grey, and neon colors can be the first choice for women with slightly tanned skin. What about dark skinned women? If you haven’t tried cobalt color before, you really should have one. It looks great on chocolate skin tone, as does red and light yellow.

Don’t forget to wear high heels and stocking to enhance your look. Heels enable your legs look longer, slimmer and sexier. No wonder women love it so mach. Also stocking can add a mysterious touch to your legs, especially the one in black. Others accessories like garters and straps can add a finishing touch to your perfect look. Check out Strappy Sheer Mesh Flyaway Babydoll By Eve's Night

Something New
Everyone has his own taste and preference. It’s no surprise some women tend to buy lingerie in similar styles. Maybe you should try new colors you never bought before, like neon colors for dark colors ladies and PVC styles for lace-type women. Try it on and you will be surprised.

Fit lifestyle
A hot body for sure is the most powerful weapon in boudoir. But how to keep your body fit? Check out the lifestyle of Candice and you will see. 

Rote Dessous sollen Silvester Glück bringen

Silvester wird es feurig und die Dessous werden heiß - zumindest in Italien. Denn dort ist es Brauch, in der Nacht zum Jahreswechsel rote Lingerie zu tragen. Das soll Glück und Erfolg bringen. Hier kommen die schönsten Dessous in Rot für eine heiße Nacht und leidenschaftliche Momente.

Rot setzt eindeutige Signale
Eines ist klar: Führen Sie die rote Unterwäsche ihrem Liebsten vor, setzen Sie dem Stier sprichwörtlich die Hörner auf. Rot fällt auf, signalisiert, animiert und zieht an. Zudem wirkt der purpurne Ton besonders edel und raffiniert. Kommen dann noch Spitze und Satin ins Spiel, bleibt das Feuerwerk um zwölf Uhr nicht der einzige Höhepunkt der Silvesternacht.

Unterwäsche ist nicht gleich Dessous
Was sie sexy findet und worin sie sich am besten fühlt, muss jede Trägerin für sich entscheiden. Übrigens haben Dessous im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Unterwäsche keine lange Tradition: Reizwäsche in ihrer heutigen Form wird erst seit den 1960er Jahren produziert. BHs und Höschen gab es zwar schon lange Zeit davor, allerdings mit zwei rein funktionalen Absichten: wärmen und schützen. Die Wäsche, deren Bestimmung schlichtweg der Verführung galt, kam erst recht spät an

formschöne Frauenkörper.
Für welches Material Sie sich entscheiden, ist sicherlich Geschmacksache. Modelle aus weicher Mikrofaser haben beispielsweise den Vorteil, dass sie sich unter eng anliegender Kleidung nicht abzeichnen. Soll das Dekolleté betont werden, empfehlen sich BHs Gelpolstern oder Schalen-BHs aus dickerem Stoff – sie bringen den Busen richtig zur Geltung. Frauen, die ihre üppige Oberweite ein wenig kaschieren wollen, sollten dagegen auf horizontale Nähte achten oder direkt zum Minimizer-BH greifen.

Auf die Pflege kommt es an
Damit das feine Gewebe länger hält, empfiehlt es sich, BHs von Hand zu waschen oder in der Maschine in einen Wäschesack zu stecken. Trotzdem sollten BHs nicht zu lange getragen werden, da das elastische Material relativ schnell an Festigkeit und Halt verliert.

Sexy Lingerie Shopping Guide for Belly Women

Every woman dreams of a body of Victoria’s Secret Angels’ bodies. However, reality is cruel. But nothing can stop us from buying beautiful sexy lingerie. So today, we will share some shopping tips to help you find the perfect lingerie to conceal defeats of your bodies to make you as sexy as an Angel.

Strappy Sheer Mesh Flyaway Babydoll By Eve's Night

Hide your imperfection
First of all, know your body shape and love it. Undoubtedly, big abs might be the last thing a belly women wanna show off, then choose loose-fitted styles. Babydolls made of chiffon and lace should be your second-to-none choice. Fabric like satin are also recommended. Chemise and teddies of leather and mesh would be a disaster, trust me. 

Lace And Bow Sheer Mesh Babydolls By Eve's Night

Show off the best parts
Stop complaining about your belly. You will find you have an admirable hip and perfect breasts. Draw attention to the parts you are pride of. Try to highlight your breast with embroidered cups or ruffles. And show you bottom with novel design G-string.

Retro Elegant Lace Satin Halter Babydoll By Eve's Night

Colors Matters
Solid colors work better than patterns. Large patterns can easily draw attention. So avoid patterns on belly if you want to look hotter. Dark colors like black, navy blue and Burgundy are recommended. 

Being Confident
As the survey we conducted before showed, men tend to find confident women are more attractive. Don’t be afraid to show your body to him because of little disadvantage. What’s more, you can change it by workout like the Angels do. Girls, be confident and rule the night.

Partykleider und passende Reizwäsche für die Freizeit

Viele Onlineshops sind hier aber relativ kulant, daher kann man problemlos unpassende Kleider zurücksenden. Bei vielen Frauen ist der Kleiderschrank recht gut gefüllt mit Kleidern jeglicher Art. Für jeden Anlass gibt es hier das richtige Kleid und die passenden Dessous.

Leider trägt man sie im Alltag viel zu selten. Hier überwiegt dann doch die normale Bürokleidung, die überwiegend aus Jeans und Bluse bestehen muss. Nur noch wenige Frauen tragen im Job noch Röcke oder gar Kleider. Oftmals gar nicht aus freien Stücken. Besonders im öffentlichen Dienst gibt es strikte Kleiderordnungen. Wer dort mit einem Partykleid auftaucht, sieht sich sehr schnell bei einem ersten Gespräch mit dem Abteilungsleiter wieder.

Kleider werden daher überwiegend nur in der Freizeit getragen. Im Sommer darf es da auch ruhig mal etwas kürzer sein. Für die besonderen Anlässe gibt es auch genügend lange Abendkleider in den Kleiderschränken der Frauen. Diese werden aber in der Regel allerdings höchstens ein bis maximal zweimal im Jahr getragen.

Die passende Reizwäsche kommt noch weniger zum Einsatz. Schade eigentlich. Für diese Kleider wird schließlich am meisten Geld ausgegeben. Partykleider hingegen sind deutlich günstiger und werden dagegen auch noch viel öfter getragen. In der Freizeit, oder wie der Name schon andeutet, auf Partys jeglicher Art. Kostenmäßig liegen diese zum Teil deutlich unter hundert Euro. Ganz im Gegenteil zu den modischen Abendkleidern die auch deutlich darüber liegen können, aber dennoch viel seltener getragen werden.

Auf www.evesnight.com besuchen, können Sie mehr Information bekommen.

App for Sex Life Improvement, are you Serious?

Sexy Party Lace Bunny Costume Teddy By Eve's Night

In our life, we use lots of app for improvement of education, life quality and so on. Have you ever heard application for sex life improvement? Are you kidding? No, I am serious.

Spreadsheets is an app aimed at improving sex life between couples. You can record the sexual frequency and sexual continuing time on the app. “People are always embarrassed at the topic of their sex life with their couples, but terrible sex life might be a potential threat for a romantic relationship,” says the marketing director of Eve’s Night, “an app like Spreadsheets can make one’s sex life more harmonous and therefore, make them a happier romantic relationship.”

In addition, Spreadsheets can also help you track your trends in vitals and other personal data between you and your partner so that the performance in bed will get improved.

Feel really curious about it? Why not have a try? Now Spreadsheets is available on App Store and Android App Market. 

How to Create Vampire Look for Halloween

Halloween is around the corner. Have you prepared for your Halloween looksToday, we ganna present you some tips of creating vampire look for Halloween.

Vampire Ruffles Strapless Plus Corset By Eve's Night
Victorian corset
A victorian corset plays the most important part in a vampire look. Red satin corset with sweetheart make a seductive vampire. Or black leather cincher with white puff sleeves top would complete a gothic vampire look.

Revealing Leather Strapless Corset By Eve's Night

Black hair is mysterious and matching perfectly with your vampire look. Considered as an elegant creature, vampire should dress decently. So, Make sure your hair is smooth and shiny.

Pale skin is the symbol of vampire, as vampires are said to be hiding from sunlight. Apply foundation lighter than your skin tone. Remember covering you neck, or it will look strange and unnatural.

Retro red lips would be the most vibrant part of vampire makeup. Try blood-red or garnet, the colors you never dare to wear at daily time.

Eye shadow
For most looks, use a purple eyeshadow with black mascara, and perhaps a touch of a dark-colored eyeliner if you still need your eyes to "pop" a little. Or Light red eyeshadow all around the eyes is good because it gives an appearance of being dead.

Please don’t bite anyone with your fang, or your fang would be damaged.

Wasch- und Pflegetipps - Per Hand waschen oder in der Maschine?

Elegant Royal Blue Ruched Lace Babydoll By Eve's Night

Babydolls aller Art werden von Frauen jeden Alters gerne getragen, lassen sie sich doch vielfach kombinieren und stellen immer eine Alternative zu T-Shirts dar. Da man von seinem Babydoll jedoch auch möglichst lange etwas haben möchte, kommt häufig die Frage auf, ob man es per Hand oder lieber in der Maschine waschen sollte. Hilfreich können dementsprechend einige Wasch- und Pflegetipps sein.

Babydolls werden meist insbesondere aufgrund des speziellen Schnitts geschätzt, denn während die Brustpartie hervorgehoben und damit ideal betont wird, umspielt der weiter fallende Stoff unterhalb der Brust die Figur optimal und dient dabei auch dem Kaschieren von eventuell vorhandenen, überflüssigen Pfunden am Bauch.
Daneben stellen sie aber auch immer eine willkommene und ansprechend erscheinende Abwechslung zu gängigen T-Shirts oder Tops dar.
Damit das Babydoll jedoch auch möglichst lange so schön wie am ersten Tag erstrahlen kann und das Material auch nach längerer Zeit noch wie neu aussieht, gilt es, einige Wasch- und Pflegetipps zu befolgen. Soll man Babydolls also lieber per Hand oder in der Maschine waschen?

Auf das Material achten

Grundsätzlich ist es meist vom verwendeten Material abhängig, ob eher das Waschen per Hand oder ebenso gut eine Maschinenwäsche bei Babydolls zu empfehlen ist. Handelt es sich nämlich um herkömmliche Baumwolle in Kombination mit Elasthan, dann ist durchaus auch das Waschen in der Maschine möglich.
Bei einer niedrigen Temperatur von nur 30 oder 40 Grad gewaschen, schadet dies einem solchen Oberteil in der Regel nicht. Im Zweifelsfall empfiehlt es sich jedoch immer, eine Handwäsche durchzuführen, da das Babydoll auf diese Weise garantiert nicht außer Form gerät.
Am besten immer per Hand gewaschen werden sollten Babydolls hingegen, wenn es sich um einen sehr feinen Stoff wie Satin oder Seide sowie um Mikrofaser handelt.
Erscheint das verwendete Material seidig und fühlt sich zart an, dann kann es schnell durch eine Maschinenwäsche in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden, wodurch sich eine Handwäsche besser eignet.

20% Asian Women is Satisfied with Her Body

Eve's Night
36316 Babydoll by Eve's Night

Eve’s Night conducted a survey online on degree of satisfaction about body shape among women in China. Result shows that no more than one fifth women are happy about their body shape, lower than the women in western countries.

Survey reveals that more than 60% women care about their figures. And one in two women is no satisfied with their body shapes, particularly the young girls aged 17 to 25. Only 20% women is content with their figures.

The survey also proves that most of women wear shapewear to impress their partner. Especially the women with smaller size are more likely to wear fitted undergarment. That’s to say, women of smaller size are more likely to be confident about their bodys.

Concerning the perfect women body shape, men holds different opinions from women. Actually, men are not that into slim figure as women do. 50% men claim that they prefer curvy women. What’s more, 61% men find women confident about themselves are more attractive.

Playful Costume is Shown on Divorce Lawyers, a Hit TV Drama in China Mainland

It has brought up a popular topic among people in China mainland that Yaochen, acting as the leading role in Divorce Lawyer, a hit TV series in the mainland. Putting playful costumes onto the big screen is rare in the mainland, since the Boardcasting and TV Office has published related rules to ban affectionate plots in every TV series.

As the photo relaeased, many netizens comment that Yaochen become much adorable in that maid costume.

Yaochen in Maid Costume in Divorce Lawyer

The plot of the TV drama is that Luoli, acted by Yaochen, is to tempt Chihaidong, the male leading character, in the maid costume and Chi cannot resist the seduce.
“This plot shows us that playful costumes can really revibrate romantic relationships,” says the sales director of Eve's Night. “We all know that after a long time, we will gradually fall into boredom against our partner and romantic relationship would get worse and worse if nobody pay attention to the problem, that's why people need lingerie, that's why we want to create Eve's Night.”

Indeed, lingerie has been more and more popular as it really helps to keep couple in their honeymoon state. Aside from maid costume, nurse costume and policewomen uniform also fall into the domain of playful costumes. 

3 Tips to Select Suitable Lingerie

In recent years, sexy lingerie is gaining its popularity .Therefore, there are more and more styles, patterns and designs of lingerie in the market: tight, seductive, lace-layered, garter belts, semitransparent,etc. However, do you know it’s very important to select lingerie fitting for you? Do you know how to select suitable lingerie? Below is tips about it put forward by Eve’s Night, one of the leading sexy lingerie brand.
Stretch Bangdege Lace Babydoll By Eve's Night

Strappy Sheer Mesh Flyaway Babydoll By Eve's Night

First of all, don’t get over-perferred to black lingerie. You should consider your own hair color as well as hair style before you choose the color of a lingerie. Besides, black is not the only color that could present the sexy and seductive image of women. Like Stretch Bangdege Lace Babydoll  and Strappy Sheer Mesh Flyaway Babydoll released by Eve's Night, red,  blue and hot pink can also make a woman sexy.

Second, you should consider whether the size or the design of a lingerie is coordinate with your own body. Though lingerie adorn with lace is very popular, it will make petite women look heavier. After all, closed-fitting is the most important when we are making purchase decision. For women of plump shape, many lingerie companies, including Eve’s Night, have unveiled lingerie with plus size. So there’s no worry about not finding lingerie of one’s own size.

Third, any detail should be focused on. Delicacy can show your own taste to your partner. Besides, lingerie of low quality or coarse design will make you uncomfortable, and thus your romantic night will probably turn out to be an awkward night for you and your partner.

Last but not the least, don’t choose lingerie with heavy decoration. Lingerie should be design in the convenience of being taken off. Simple is the best. That’s why most of the leading lingerie brand, like Eve’s Night, always release beautiful but simple products.

After reading all the tips, have you get a clear idea of how to choose lingerie most suitable for you?

Eve’s Night Debutes 2014 Lingerie Collection

Eve’s Night showcased its 2014 Lingerie Collection on eroFame in Hanover, Germany, starting at October 8, 2014.
It’s the first time for these new styles to meet its customers. And all of them will be available on Eve’s Night B2B at the end of this week. “We are thrilled to present to customers our new styles and our new B2B shop, and they seem so interested in our new collection with beautiful packages and competitive prices.” said sales representative Lena.
Eve’s Night 2014 Lingerie collection includes new styles like bridal lingerie and Christmas lingerie in babydolls and teddies categories.

Bridal Lingerie   
The color scheme of Eve’s Night bridal lingerie is traditional white. For the sales data shows that although some brides are inclined to purchase red one or black one, the most popular color of wedding lingerie still is white. These new styles feature lace and ruffles to create a romantic wedding night.

Christmas Lingerie
Look at these red sexy lingerie, is jingle bell ringing in your head? To prepare for the incoming Christmas, Eve’s Night releases Christmas styles with sequin and bow details.

Retro Black Lingerie
Some women just have a passion for black when choosing sexy lingerie and Eve’s Night takes care of it. Eve’s Night, as usual, release black lingerie with whatever you expected for a sexy undergarment, such as lace, cutouts, ruffles, ribbon bows, sequin and garters.

Neon Lingerie
Got tired of black and red? Eve’s Night prepare something new for you. Playful neon color can be hot today. You just don’t wanna have it in your boudoir only.
To find more new styles of Eve’s Night, visit Eve’s Night B2B.

Eve’s Night Conducting Shooting of New Collection

In these days, Eve’s Night, the emerging sexy lingerie brand, is conducting the shooting of its upcoming collection.

In order to present the realest image of its products, Eve’s Night has been insisting on having all its products shot on location. “We believe that nothing else but on site shooting could give our customers the most vivid vibe of our brand and our products. If our products were took in front of the wallpaper, what we values and what our brands is to convey could not be presented,” says the manager of Product Department.

Amy, a staff of the shooting group, exemplify the shooting as battling. “Everyone wants the satisfactory effects, and therefore, we pay attention to everything from posture to the subtle details of the scene and the costumes. I believe that, the debut of the new collection will be as satisfactory as it is always to be.”

What stories of the brand and its products will Eve’s Night tell?  New collection will be available on Eve's Night B2B at the end of September. Let’s look forward to debut of the said new collection.