App for Sex Life Improvement, are you Serious?

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In our life, we use lots of app for improvement of education, life quality and so on. Have you ever heard application for sex life improvement? Are you kidding? No, I am serious.

Spreadsheets is an app aimed at improving sex life between couples. You can record the sexual frequency and sexual continuing time on the app. “People are always embarrassed at the topic of their sex life with their couples, but terrible sex life might be a potential threat for a romantic relationship,” says the marketing director of Eve’s Night, “an app like Spreadsheets can make one’s sex life more harmonous and therefore, make them a happier romantic relationship.”

In addition, Spreadsheets can also help you track your trends in vitals and other personal data between you and your partner so that the performance in bed will get improved.

Feel really curious about it? Why not have a try? Now Spreadsheets is available on App Store and Android App Market. 

